Argentina and a contagious effect of love for forests

During 2022, the Monte Alegre Nature Reserve (MANR) project continued to expand, both its team and the deepening of each axis actions: ecological, social, and economic. We created more “roots” locally through on-site work with communities and “flew high” by showcasing our work at national and international events.

2022 was the year more people visited the project through volunteering and environmental education activities. More than 150 adults, youngsters, and minors came to get to know the forest, learn, question themselves, and reflect on the importance of these ecosystems in our region south of Córdoba, Argentina. For the project, being a spokesperson for the forests and informing about the restoration and conservation of ecosystems is a pivotal task to achieve the short and long-term objectives of environmental recovery.

Being part of the Restoration Stewards 2021 program –by the Youth in Landscapes Initiative (YIL) and the Global Landscapes Forum (GLF)– set the stage for everything that happened to us in 2022. The Restoration Stewards program catapulted the RNMA project. It was the first time we interacted with an international organization that recognized and resourced our work, which also generated visibility and trust.

Project milestones in 2022

  • As a young forest worker, I was recognized with the Youth Forest Change Maker Award at the XV World Forestry Congress in Seoul, Korea. Participating in person at this event, I was an orator at three sessions and spoke on behalf of young foresters at the closing ceremony of the congress. 
  • I was also invited to participate, in person, in the FAO Forestry Commission sessions in Rome, Italy.
  • The RNMA project was selected as one of the first GLFx chapters in Latin America. 
  • The RNMA project was recognized as an Official Actor of the United Nations Decade on Ecosystem Restoration.

Opening doors and building bridges

From now on, my goal is to empower and amplify ecosystem restoration in my country, Argentina.

In recent years, I have had incredible opportunities to interact with organizations and participate in events and projects that have allowed me to develop professionally and acquire skills. I wish to open those doors for more young Latin Americans, especially Argentineans. I want to create connections and bridges so they can grow and contribute to the beautiful task of regenerating our planet. I plan to achieve this by effectively communicating my work, expanding my networks, and, particularly, creating new restoration projects that create jobs. 

I like to say that the Monte Alegre Nature Reserve project is already a “little giant” walking on its own. Our aim as a team is that it continues to grow and improve, both in size and impact.  Our deepest wish is to generate a multiplier effect, a contagious influence of love and passion for nature that inspires others and encourages the initiation of projects with other restoration foci. We are willing to do everything in our power to make this happen. Our biggest dream and the most challenging task will be fully completed when this vision comes true.

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